Saturday, September 20, 2008

friendship and goodbyes.

I shouldn't have waited. Last time I said that friendship was a topic for another day, and now I've lost my train of thought. Two months will do that to you. I'm a terrible blogger. I wouldn't be surprised if no one read this thing because of how infrequently I post. Terrible.

I think I have a different take on the whole topic of friendship than I did back in the summer. Working alone for a month has made me see it in a different light. Often friendship is simply conversation to fill in the silence. This is probably a horrible way of looking at it, but it's true. Once Reuben was back at school, there was a silence in the truck that needed filling. For most of the month I used the radio, especially the Kid Carson Show on the Beat or Jeff O'neil on the Fox. But yesterday I just turned it off. Silence isn't so bad from time to time.

There is something different about real people, though. They don't have an off switch, and very rarely to they need one. I can't think of a time this entire summer where I wanted to turn Reuben off. Or any of my friends for that matter (well maybe there was that one night, Gordon). Being in close contact with Reuben all summer, you'd think there would be a moment, a day even, where I'd be annoyed, but nothing comes to mind.

I'm leaving them all behind. And it makes me nervous. I've had this feeling, about the weight and texture of a potato, in my gut for about a week. Friends are the sticky substance trying to keep me in Langley. Do you know what I'm talking about? People keep on asking me if I'm excited to go to Montreal, and I consistently lie and say, "oh, totally," or something lame like that because it's what's expected. I don't want to go. I love my home. That's a lie, too. I do want to go, but I know I'll miss everyone here, and I'm not looking forward to missing people. I have good friends.

I won't be writing on here while I'm gone. I've set up a website, for my podcast, and i'll be blogging on there quite regularly, to keep everyone at home caught up. anyone who reads this is more than welcome to take a look.

so long, for now,
your ticketytaptyper.