Saturday, February 19, 2011


I don't really know why I'm typing out today's events. Nothing really happened. Yesterday I drove to Langley to see LCS Drama put on "Get Smart." Cousin Sam had a role, so the family came to support. It was high school calibre; it was funny. Sam played a great character. Luke Bosma and Dennis Bowman played the villians, and were incredible. Afterward, Nick and I went to the Murv to meet up with Paul Gillies. Good chats, getting caught up with him. I hadn't seen him in a long time. Ken, Keith and James had decided to come up to Squamish for the weekend, so we met up at Keith's and drove home.

This morning Ken went out early to buy some groceries for breakfast and came back with bagels and English Muffins, which was great. Had a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese, a bowl of Apple Cinnamon Cherrios, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee; a well rounded breakfast, I'd say.

Nothing really happened at work. I helped a few people. Todd from came by with his friend Laura, who had to fax or scan something. We ended up having a pretty grand conversation about blogging and podcasts and all that jazz. Great guy. We said we'd see each other at the brew pub, and that was the only interesting thing that happened.

I walked in to the apartment after work, and Ken, Keith and James had made dinner. I love coming in to a home-cooked meal. Pasta, with spicy tomato and sausage sauce. Seered asparagus. Fresh bread. Delicious. We ate and talked till seven or so, and then headed to the pub for the hockey game.

Jill Marie had texted me earlier in the day, and her and James met us while we sat upfront by the big screen and stage. Hockey went well, with the Canucks winning 5-2 against the Dallas Stars. Some nobody Raffi Torres scored two goals for us - sweet. A band named "Tantalus Pass" came on after the game finished. Bluegrass/folk/acoustic. They were alright. Lorraine, Yi Khy and Matt ended up coming as well, but by the end of the first set, we had all had enough. Ken, Keith, James, Nick and the Hotelers had left for the highlands already, so I got a ride with Matt. Now the bed beacons. I need to be fresh for worshipping and sax playing tomorrow.