Monday, January 14, 2008

the new blog.

So I'm going to start. writing, that is. It's about time. I'm listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young for the first time. My little brother bought it with his HMV gift card he got for Christmas, what was that, three weeks ago? I have to say, I'm impressed. thoroughly, thoroughly. They just don't make it like they used to. well, some do. Not enough of them though.

Actually, I don't know if I believe that. What I mean is, I like the words and music of Wilco and the Arcade Fire just as much as the Beatles and the Who. Anyway, before the music snob demon starts using me again, I'll stop. I won't bow down. I won't.

So Bethany and I are in a strange place right now. I mean, we broke it off on Friday, but today is Monday and we had a conversation this afternoon almost as if nothing had happened. And it was nice. I won't get too deep into it. It's a helpless situation right now. Helpless, helpless, helpless.
Sing it, Neil. Sing it. We'll let God figure it out if it's so helpless.

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